Keller Town Hall
1100 Bear Creek Pkwy
Keller, TX 76248
United States of America


Please pass let your friends know, this is the week we set up the North Texas Field of Honor, you can volunteer at ntxfoh.org.

We are proud to work with the City of Keller to bring you the North Texas Field of Honor® . One thousand seven hundred and seventy six (1776) U.S. flags, will be flown at Keller Town Hall in paying tribute to veterans, active and reserve duty military during Veteran’s Day week, November 9–17, 2024. 

We need your help to make this event a success, there are several volunteer opportunities for Rotarians and Community members. We will record hours for volunteer groups and students.

We are looking for volunteers for these dates:

Nov 8 - Noon/ Field Deployment -We need 50+ Volunteers to help deploy the flags, we will install U.S. flags plus military flags.

Nov 9- 2 pm/ Dedication Ceremony for Field of Honor

Nov 17- Field Takedown - We need 50+ Volunteers to help with field take down

Learn more at ntxfoh.org